15 minutes in Canberra
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work in foreign policy? Canberra is buzzing with seasoned foreign affairs and strategic policy experts, but for newcomers and mid-tier professionals, the ‘Canberra bubble’ can be tricky to navigate.
Join host Hayley Channer on the ground as she speaks with colleagues from government, academia, and the private sector, to bring you their unique policy insights and career advice in a neat 15 minutes.
Based in Canberra, Australia, Hayley Channer is a Senior Policy Fellow at the Perth USAsia Centre.

Working as an intern to a US Senator on Capitol Hill
What’s it like to work in the office of a U.S. Senator and potential Presidential candidate? How can we keep U.S. attention on the Indo-Pacific? In what areas can Australia shape U.S. policy towards our region? What has been Trump’s legacy for Australia-U.S. relations?
Join Hayley Channer as she interviews Dougal Robinson for 15 Minutes in Canberra. Dougal reflects on his time working in a U.S. Congressional Office as a Research Fellow to Republican Senator, Marco Rubio, in the lead up to the 2016 Presidential Election. Dougal also provides analysis of the nature of Australia-U.S. bilateral relations in recent years and reflects on Australia’s foreign policy contribution to the region and to our U.S. ally. Dougal’s experience working as a DFAT Policy Officer and for think tanks, including the United States Studies Centre and Lowy Institute, informs his analysis and produces key insights for US watchers.