A leading foreign policy think tank focused on Indo-Pacific strategy.

Japan Symposium Dialogue 2024 Outcomes

The Perth USAsia Centre’s 2024 Japan Symposium, Securing an Australia-Japan Energy Partnership for the Future, facilitated an expert-led discussion and analysis on the future of the Australia-Japan energy partnership. Through a full-day dialogue, participants from both sides of the bilateral relationship raised major concerns, discussed areas for collaboration, and sought practical solutions to ensure Japan’s energy security amidst growing global conflict and Australia’s energy transition to net-zero. The following report is a product of this discussion.

Next Generation Regional Perspectives on the US-Australia Alliance in the Indo-Pacific

With support from the US State Department the Perth USAsia Centre’s Next Generation Regional Perspectives on the US-Australia Alliance in the Indo-Pacific program has brought together five representatives from across the Indo-Pacific region to provide their perspectives from Vietnam, South Korea, India, Indonesia and First Nations Australia. 

The program has three objectives: to highlight emerging Indo-Pacific leaders’ perspectives on US and Australian engagement in the Indo-Pacific; to share Australian and US perspectives on the region; and to further understanding of how Indo-Pacific countries, Australia and the US can best collaborate. 

Explainer Series

The Perth USAsia Centre creates a range of educational resources as part of its Explainer Series. The series includes PDFs and videos that explain key Indo-Pacific concepts in an easy-to-understand format.

Resources in the series are free to download and share under Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-ND, provided they are attributed the Perth USAsia Centre as the creator, only used for non-commercial reasons, and are not adapted in any way.

Online Courses

Our range of micro-credentials, masterclasses and sprintclasses provides education that advances Australia’s engagement and partnerships in the Indo-Pacific region.

Courses are developed and delivered by the Perth USAsia Centre team and can be completed 100% online, giving you the flexibility to learn wherever, and whenever, suits you.


India and the Indian Ocean

Recognising India’s global importance as the world’s largest democracy, and one of its fastest-growing economies.


Southeast Asia

Exploring the significance of Southeast Asia to Australia’s long-term prosperity and security.


Education and Capacity Building

Empowering our community to understand the issues facing Australia, the United States and the Indo-Pacific.


Reporting from the Indo-Pacific

Delivering insights from emerging voices and thought leaders throughout the region.

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