A leading foreign policy think tank focused on Indo-Pacific strategy.
Commencing soon: Microcredential short course
Level up your knowledge on Australia’s strategic relationships with Asia by gaining vital microcredentials through our online short course ‘Australia and the Indo-Pacific: Understanding our strategic connections to Asia’
Delivered by the Perth USAsia Centre, as a succinct 8-week program of modules containing webinars and resource downloads, you’ll grow your knowledge base and get a better understanding of geopolitics between Australia and Asia. Course commences 10 March 2025.

2024 Indian Ocean Defence & Security Conference
The 2024 Indian Ocean Defence and Security Conference, hosted by the Western Australian Government in Perth from 24-26 July, underscored the vital role of the Indian Ocean and the state of Western Australia in regional stability over decades to come.
Over the course of two days, the conference addressed avenues for collaboration to build security across the Indian Ocean – including the AUKUS partnership and the commencement of US nuclear submarine rotations through HMAS Stirling from 2027, deepening partnerships between Australia, US and UK defence industry, the essential role of WA’s critical minerals sector, and the importance of collaboration with regional partners including Japan, India and counterparts across Southeast Asia.

Japan Symposium 2025
Amid rising global tensions and efforts to strengthen supply chains, growing the Australia-Japan partnership in advanced manufacturing is more crucial than ever. Leveraging Western Australia’s resources and Japan’s technology, the 2025 Japan Symposium in Perth will explore collaborative opportunities in clean energy and defence.
The Symposium theme, Towards an Australia-Japan Partnership in Advanced Manufacturing, highlights that Australia and Japan share a values-based commitment to the Indo-Pacific region’s stability, sustainability, and economic prosperity.
Next Generation Regional Perspectives on the US-Australia Alliance in the Indo-Pacific
With support from the US State Department the Perth USAsia Centre’s Next Generation Regional Perspectives on the US-Australia Alliance in the Indo-Pacific program has brought together five representatives from across the Indo-Pacific region to provide their perspectives from Vietnam, South Korea, India, Indonesia and First Nations Australia.
The program has three objectives: to highlight emerging Indo-Pacific leaders’ perspectives on US and Australian engagement in the Indo-Pacific; to share Australian and US perspectives on the region; and to further understanding of how Indo-Pacific countries, Australia and the US can best collaborate.
Explainer Series
The Perth USAsia Centre creates a range of educational resources as part of its Explainer Series. The series includes PDFs and videos that explain key Indo-Pacific concepts in an easy-to-understand format.
Resources in the series are free to download and share under Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-ND, provided they are attributed the Perth USAsia Centre as the creator, only used for non-commercial reasons, and are not adapted in any way.
2025 education program
Our range of micro-credentials, masterclasses and sprintclasses provides education that advances Australia’s engagement and partnerships in the Indo-Pacific region.
Courses are developed and delivered by the Perth USAsia Centre team and can be completed 100% online, giving you the flexibility to learn wherever, and whenever, suits you.