15 minutes in Canberra
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work in foreign policy? Canberra is buzzing with seasoned foreign affairs and strategic policy experts, but for newcomers and mid-tier professionals, the ‘Canberra bubble’ can be tricky to navigate.
Join host Hayley Channer on the ground as she speaks with colleagues from government, academia, and the private sector, to bring you their unique policy insights and career advice in a neat 15 minutes.
Based in Canberra, Australia, Hayley Channer is a Senior Policy Fellow at the Perth USAsia Centre.
What makes a technology ‘critical’ and why does it matter to our region?
An issue receiving growing attention in national security and international policy circles is critical technology and how to protect it. But what is critical technology? What makes some technologies critical and others not? And, what are the implications of critical technology for Australia and our region overall? Fortunately, Jennifer Jackett who is writing her PhD on US-China competition over advanced and emerging technologies joins 15 Minutes in Canberra to explain.
Jennifer is a 2021 Sir Roland Wilson Scholarship recipient and Non-Resident Fellow at the United States Studies Centre. On the podcast, Jennifer draws not only on her current PhD research but also on her practical experience working in government to develop critical technologies policy. Join us to understand how critical technologies are having an impact on relations in the Indo-Pacific and which countries and multilateral forums Australia is working within this area