15 Minutes in Canberra
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work in foreign policy? Canberra is buzzing with seasoned foreign affairs and strategic policy experts, but for newcomers and mid-tier professionals, the ‘Canberra bubble’ can be tricky to navigate.
Join host Hayley Channer on the ground as she speaks with colleagues from government, academia, and the private sector, to bring you their unique policy insights and career advice in a neat 15 minutes.
Based in Canberra, Australia, Hayley Channer is a Senior Policy Fellow at the Perth USAsia Centre.

What does an American in Australia think of the bilateral relationship?
With AUSMIN – the Australia-US Ministerial Meeting – happening this week, what does an American in Australia think of the bilateral relationship? Nancy Schneider moved to Australia from California in 2017 and is the Australian Institute of International Affairs (AIIA) National Operations Manager.
On this final 15 Minutes in Canberra episode, Hayley Channel and Nancy talk about how to modernise the Australia-US Alliance, what the Indo-Pacific region thinks of AUKUS, and the potential for Trump to win the 2024 Presidency.