Roundtable with the Rt Hon Anne-Marie Trevelyan

On Tuesday 4 April 2023, the Perth USAsia Centre hosted the Right Honourable Anne-Marie Trevelyan, UK Minister of State for the Indo-Pacific, for a private roundtable attended by representatives from business, government and academia.

In recent years, the United Kingdom has sought to deepen its engagement with the Indo-Pacific as a region of global economic and political focus. In 2021, the UK announced its ‘Indo-Pacific Tilt’ to boost its partnerships in the region, including through accession to the Comprehensive and Progressing Agreement for the Trans-Pacific Partnership and becoming an ASEAN Dialogue Partner.

The AUKUS agreement further enhances UK engagement with the Indo-Pacific, with the deepened security partnership with Australia and the US seeking to enhance the security of the region.

As the UK takes strides as a key Indo-Pacific player with serious convening power, Minister Trevelyan joined us for a timely and important discussion on the UK’s interests in the Indo-Pacific and its contribution to the region’s future.

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