Roundtable with Ambassador Geoffrey R Pyatt

Wednesday 6 March 2024

On March 6 2024, the Perth USAsia Centre was honoured to host a roundtable discussion with US Assistant Secretary of State of the Bureau of Energy Resources, Ambassador Geoff R Pyatt.
As global temperatures are rising, governments across the world are investing in the energy transition. But the move toward clean energy brings with it complex strategic challenges, from energy security to critical mineral supply chains.
Ambassador Pyatt is the United States’ top energy diplomat and the highest-ranking US State Department Official to visit Perth since Secretary Clinton in 2012. The Bureau of Energy Resources operates at the critical intersection between energy, climate, and US national security and ensures US leadership on global energy issues. Ambassador Pyatt represents the US on the governing board of the International Energy agency, at the International renewable Energy Agency, and at the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative.
The wide-ranging discussion covered US-Australia cooperation on energy security and critical mineral supply chains, with particular focus on the ongoing negotiations to ensure the US’ Inflation Reduction Act provides mutual benefit for both countries.



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