DFAT International Media Visit Program

Friday 26 April 2024

On 26 April 2024, the Perth USAsia Centre, in partnership with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), hosted an informal networking lunch with six Indonesian journalists from Central and East Java. 
The journalists were visiting Perth as part of DFAT’s International Media Visit (IMV) Program. The IMV Program seeks to build visiting journalists’ understanding of Australia across a range of issues, and to strengthen people-to-people links.  

The journalists and their counterparts from Western Australia discussed the importance of community engagement, shared challenges such as disinformation as well as strategies to strengthen the relationship between Australia and Indonesia. 

Media organisations represented included Suara Surabaya Media, Suara Merdeka, Jawa Pos TV, Solopos Media Group, Tribun Jatim Network and the East Javanese Provincial Government.


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