Beyond Delhi: Digital Gaming as the Next Frontier in the Australia-India Relationship

On 06 December 2021, the Perth USAsia Centre was pleased to host another instalment in our Beyond Delhi series: Digital gaming as the next frontier in the Australia-India relationship.

The Government of India’s ‘Australian Economic Strategy’ has identified digital gaming opportunities with Bengaluru – often described as India’s Silicon Valley – as an emerging sector for Indian-Australian collaboration. Already one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing entertainment industries before COVID-19 hit, lockdowns and technological advancements are increasingly attracting mainstream consumers.

Australia’s gaming industry is highly advanced and produces its own licensed content, while India’s gaming industry is enjoying investments from global giants such as Alibaba and Tencent. Given these complementarities, the webinar explored how the two countries can benefit from shared experiences, upscaling technology and partnering to encourage investment.


  • Arijit Bhattacharyya, Founder, Virtualinfocom
  • Biren Ghose, Country Head, Technicolor India
  • Sam Freeman, Trade Commissioner, Bengaluru
  • Jens Schroeder, Director of Member and Industry Relations, Interactive Games & Entertainment Association (IGEA)
  • Tony Lawrence, Chief Operating Officer – Executive Director, Mighty Kingdom
  • Sonia Arakkal, Policy Fellow, Perth USAsia Centre (moderator)

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