Celebrating the Centre at 10
The Perth USAsia Centre, a leading independent Australian think tank, is celebrating 10 years of strengthening Australia’s relationships with the Indo-Pacific and the United States – educating and empowering its community to better understand the critical issues facing our region.
The Centre was established in Perth in 2013 to capitalise on the wealth of strategic thinkers based in Western Australia, providing a place for leading original research and international engagement. Since June 3, 2013, the Centre has published over 350 research reports and articles and hosted over 750 events in 25 cities across 10 countries, engaging a world-class strategic affairs community of over 27,000 people.
Chancellor of the Australian National University, the Honourable Julie Bishop, reflects on a decade of the Perth USAsia Centre and the impact of its event series, In the Zone.
“The In the Zone Conference [was] such a vital contributor to the promotion of peace, security and economic sustainability in our region,” she says.
Watch Julie Bishop‘s video Below.