Australia and the Indo-Pacific: Understanding our strategic connections to Asia
Microcredential course overview
This microcredential is developed and delivered by Perth USAsia Centre. Participants will gain an understanding of the Indo-Pacific region and Australia’s strategic relationships to Asia. Content covering topics include: regionalism, geopolitics, economics, security and relations with key partners including USA, China, India, Korea, Japan, Indonesia and Vietnam.
By completing the course, participants will:
1. Understand Australia’s contemporary strategic and
economic role in the Indo-Pacific region.
2. Evaluate the key trends shaping the Indo-Pacific region
and its future.
3. Analyse the strategic and economic pathways for Australia
to diversify its regional relationships.
Aimed at early to mid-career professionals in Australia’s business, government and education sectors seeking to upskill in knowledge relating to the Indo-Pacific. It is specifically useful for those moving into or advancing in roles that require Asia-related knowledge and are seeking career advancement and broader context.
Upon successful completion of this microcredential, you’ll receive:
- 2 PD Points
- A Certificate of Achievement
- A UWA Plus Professional Development Transcript, listing all successfully completed microcredentials
Delivery mode: Online
Duration: 8 weeks
Total effort: 50 hours
- 8 x sessions
- 5.5 hours each made up of:
- 1 hour lecture
- 2 hours reading (reports, op eds, government papers)
- 2 hours watching/listening (podcasts, media clips, webinar content, speeches)
- 5.5 hours each made up of:
- Optional webinars
- Practice quizzes
- Final assessment
Academic lead: Dr. Lisa Cluett
Cost: $450 + GST
2025 intake periods
For more information, visit UWA Plus or complete the application form via the button below.
Select the course INDOM100: Australia and the Indo-Pacific: Understanding our strategic connections to Asia.
Course information session wrap up
We held a 30-minute information session for participants interested in hearing more on the course structure. Rachel Falzon, an executive consultant who recently completed the microcredential also joined the webinar to share her experiences and explained how the short course contributed to her knowledge and general understanding of geopolitics.
Frequently asked questions
What you will learn
By completing the course, participants will learn:
- How Australia operates in the Indo-Pacific, who the other key players are and how power dynamics play out.
- Why Australia is moving to diversify its international engagement and the opportunities for future growth.
- How our trade and security relationships work and how Australia engages in other sectors.
Why study this course?
This microcredential offers a comprehensive overview of Australia’s role on the international stage. Participants will gain a clear sense of how Australia does and should interact with international partners in areas of trade, security, energy, innovation and diplomacy.
By developing an understanding of Australia’s relationships with countries across the Indo-Pacific, participants will be able to engage in the important discussions about our international partnerships that are taking place in businesses, government departments, educational institutions and the media.
Who should study this course
Aimed at early- to mid-career professionals in Australia’s business, government and education sectors seeking to upskill in knowledge relating to the Indo-Pacific.
Recommended Prior Knowledge
- General education is useful although no prior knowledge is assumed.
What’s next after this course?
This microcredential (2 PD Points) is stackable with other UWA Plus microcredentials. Earning 6 PD Points gains credit for one unit when commencing an award course at UWA.
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