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Engaging Korea in Critical Minerals Cooperation with the Quad By Dr Jeffrey Wilson The following article is based on a presentation given by Research Director Jeffrey Wilson at an event facilitated by the German Marshall Fund of the United States on 3 February 2022. A comprehensive article is available via the GMF website. Critical minerals make up a group […]
China and Supply Chain Vulnerabilities By Dr Jeffrey Wilson Dr Jeffrey Wilson was recently invited by the Hudson Institute to join a panel of leading experts to discuss “supply chain security, vulnerabilities related to China, and the implications for the U.S.-Australia alliance.” Watch a recording of the Hudson Institute’s virtual event and read a manuscript of Dr Wilson’s […]
Adapting Australia to an Era of Geoeconomic Competition Geoeconomic contests pose a major new challenge to Australia’s national interests. Trade warfare, strategic investment races and competitive multilateralism have seen economics become a domain in which great power rivalries are fought. As a medium-sized, open and trade dependent economy, Australia is especially exposed to both economic […]
Australia, Japan and India: A Trilateral Coalition in the Indo-Pacific? Public Webinar In this webinar, co-authors Dr Jeffrey Wilson and Dr Priya Chacko discuss both the foundations of the coalition, and the launch of the Perth USAsia Centre’s latest report: Australia, Japan and India: A trilateral coalition in the Indo-Pacific? The report discusses how the […]