Understanding Australia’s international outlook: a sprintclass for the global community

Sprintclass Overview

This ‘sprint’ class series is developed and delivered by the Perth USAsia Centre team in an intentionally accessible and ‘bite sized’ format. The course is designed for learners who grew up, live or studied overseas who want to gain insight into Australia’s foreign policy and global outlook. It specifically addresses Australia’s cultural and historical context, the international focus of Australia of today, and how Australia aims to play a leading global role in the future. 

What you will learn

By the end of this sprintclass, participants should be able to:
1.  Describe the cultural and historical context of Australia’s role in the Indo-Pacific region 
2.  Explain Australia’s government structures, economic settings, and international outlook 
3.  Identify how Australia aims to lead and collaborate on key issues in the Indo-Pacific.
Who should do the course

This course is aimed at non-Australian participants. It would suit professionals in business, government and education sectors who are seeking career advancement and broader context. It is specifically useful for those seeking knowledge relating to the Indo-Pacific and require an understanding of Australia’s role.

Express your interest

Upon successful completion of this sprintclass, you’ll receive:

  • A Certificate of Achievement
  • Access to the Perth USAsia Centre alumni network

Course Information: Content is delivered via 4x sessions of class content, each made up of videos, podcasts, articles, reports and commentary.

Delivery mode:  Fully online with final assessment via quiz (80% pass mark required)

Commitment: 3 hours study time, assessed via quiz, cost $199 + GST

Duration: Self-paced and ‘on demand’ 

Enrolments: Available February 2025 – express your interest here.

Course Coordinator: Dr Lisa Cluett

2-3 Hours | Fully OnlineExpress your interest now

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