Microcredentials - for high school students

New online course

International relations microcredential for high school student

Get the edge on international relations

Students will be able to start their university journey before finishing high school, getting access to learnings that use real-world scenarios, structured as a university-level course.

What you’ll learn

Course intake

Enrol by 6 April 2025Course dates
28 April – 4 July 2025

Course overview

This microcredential is developed for year 11 and 12 students and delivered by the Perth USAsia Centre.

Students will gain an understanding of the Indo-Pacific region and Australia’s strategic relationships with Asia. Content covering topics include regionalism, geopolitics, economics, security and relations with key partners including USA, China, India, Korea, Japan, Indonesia and Vietnam.

Upon successful completion of this microcredential, students will receive:

1. A UWA student number and access to services and support
2. Two points towards a UWA unit (redeem these later once 6 points are stacked together)
3. A Certificate of Achievement

Delivery mode:  Online

Duration:  10 weeks

Total effort:

  • 8 x sessions
    • 5 hours each made up of:
      • 1 hour lecture
      • 2 hours reading (reports, op eds, government papers)
      • 2 hours watching/listening (podcasts, media clips, webinar content, speeches)
  • Discussion board posting and reading
  • Assessment including revision and final quiz

55 hours or 5 hours per week during the school term.

Academic lead: Dr. Lisa Cluett

Course fees: $495 inc GST

For more information

Download the course flyer and the FAQ.

Feel free to get in touch with at perthusasiacentre@uwa.edu.au to find out more about this learning opportunity.

Frequently asked questions

    Who should study this course

    This is an opportunity to participate in a university course while still in high school.

    It will boost learning, experience and qualifications and students will learn interesting and useful information about international relations and geopolitics.

    How does it work?

    The course content has been specifically designed for high school students in year 11 and 12.

    Every component is delivered online with content released weekly over an 8-week period.

    Students work through the content whenever and wherever suits them as there is no set class time.

    Each week there is content to watch, read, review and think about as well as some activities to complete.

    After students have worked through the content, there are two weeks at the end of term to complete the assessment.

    The assessment consists of 24 multiple choice questions. A mark of 50 percent or more is required to pass.

    What you will learn

    By completing the course, students will learn:

    • To identify Australia’s contemporary strategic and economic role in the Indo-Pacific Region.
    • To evaluate the key trends shaping the Indo-Pacific region and its future.
    • To analyse the strategic and economic pathways for Australia to diversify its regional relationships.

    What’s next after this course?

    This microcredential (2 PD Points) is stackable with other UWA Plus microcredentials.

    Earning 6 PD points gains credit for one unit when commencing an award course at The University of Western Australia.

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